20 research outputs found

    Speech quality measurement of GSM infrastructure built on USRP N210 and OpenBTS project

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    The paper deals with the methodology for speech quality measuring in GSM networks using Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ). The paper brings results of practical measurement of own GSM network build on the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP N210) hardware and OpenBTS software. This OpenBTS station was installed in open terrain, and the speech quality was measured from different distances from the transmitter. The limit parameters of OpenBTS station with USRP N210 were obtained

    Localisation of Interferences for EGSM and UMTS systems

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    Import 04/07/2011Cílem diplomové práce je popsat možné způsoby lokalizace interferencí, a navrhnout efektivní zaměřovací zařízení pro frekvenční pásma mobilních operátorů. Hlavním předpokladem je následná výroba zaměřovacího zařízení a jeho nasazení do provozu pro potřeby Českého telekomunikačního úřadu a mobilních operátorů.Purpose of this magister thesis is to describe available methods of direction-finding of interferences, and suggest an effective direction-finding device for frequency bands of mobile operators. Main premise of this thesis is next production of direction-finding device, and its utilization for Czech Telecommunication Office and mobile operators.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Estimating the effect of tracking tag weight on insect movement using video analysis: A case study with a flightless orthopteran

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    In this study, we describe an inexpensive and rapid method of using video analysis and identity tracking to measure the effects of tag weight on insect movement. In a laboratory experiment, we assessed the tag weight and associated context-dependent effects on movement, choosing temperature as a factor known to affect insect movement and behavior. We recorded the movements of groups of flightless adult crickets Gryllus locorojo (Orthoptera:Gryllidae) as affected by no tag (control); by light, medium, or heavy tags (198.7, 549.2, and 758.6 mg, respectively); and by low, intermediate, or high temperatures (19.5, 24.0, and 28.3 degrees C, respectively). Each individual in each group was weighed before recording and was recorded for 3 consecutive days. The mean (+/- SD) tag mass expressed as a percentage of body mass before the first recording was 26.8 +/- 3.7% with light tags, 72 +/- 11.2% with medium tags, and 101.9 +/- 13.5% with heavy tags. We found that the influence of tag weight strongly depended on temperature, and that the negative effects on movement generally increased with tag weight. At the low temperature, nearly all movement properties were negatively influenced. At the intermediate and high temperatures, the light and medium tags did not affect any of the movement properties. The continuous 3-day tag load reduced the average movement speed only for crickets with heavy tags. Based on our results, we recommend that researchers consider or investigate the possible effects of tags before conducting any experiment with tags in order to avoid obtaining biased results.Web of Science167art. no. e025511

    Remote controled antenna bazooka

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je popsat možné způsoby komunikace dálkového ovládání anténních tunerů. Dále také návrh konkrétního dálkově ovládaného anténního tuneru, a jeho realizace. Hlavním předpokladem je následná publikace v časopise, a z toho plynoucí požadavky na jednoduchost a opakovatelnost v amatérských podmínkách neznalým konstruktérem.Purpose of this bachelor thesis is to describe available methods of communication remotely controlled antenna bazooka. The practical part of thesis is based on making remotely controlled antenna bazooka. Fundamental prerequisites of this thesis follow printed publication and requirements for simplicity and repeatability in non-professional conditions.Prezenční454 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Formální metody reprezentace struktury tříd systému

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky. Katedra (456) informatik

    Frequency bandwidth of half-wave impedance repeater

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    This article brings in the second part general information about half-wave impedance repeater. The third part describes the basic functional principles of the half-wave impedance repeater using Smith chart. The main attention is focused in part four on the derivation of repeater frequency bandwidth depending on characteristics and load impedance of unknown feeder line. Derived dependences are based on the elementary features of the feeder lines with specific length. The described functionality is proved in part 4.3 by measurement of transformed impedance using vector several unbalanced feeder lines and network analyzer VNWA3+

    Linkages between financial sector and real output - empirical evidence from the Czech Republic

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    This thesis studies various ways in which the financial sector may affect the real economy. Particular attention is devoted to the bank lending channel of monetary transmission which amplifies monetary policy through changes in the supply of bank loans. We analyze the theoretical foundations of this channel, review international empirical literature and identify characteristic features of Czech financial system. Due to the important role of bank loans in the Czech Republic and the limited availability of alternative sources of finance, we hypothesize that the channel should be operative in the Czech Republic. Using a VEC model we analyze aggregate data for 2001-2011. Impulse response functions are then used to identify responses of the lending rate and the amount of loans to a monetary shock. Based on these responses we conclude the bank lending channel was operative

    Doctrine of essential facilities under Czech and European Law

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    Doctrine of essential facilities under Czech and European law "Essential facilities doctrine" is a term used to describe a set of rules concerned with a dominant undertaking refusing to supply a crucial resource, over which it holds an exclusive control, to its competitors who need the resource to remain in business. This thesis focuses on the doctrine's applications in the context of an abuse of a dominant position, but the role the doctrine plays in regulation of network industries is mentioned as well. The main goal of the thesis is to define conditions under which the owner of the crucial resource - described as "an essential facility" in the thesis - abuses his dominant position by refusing to supply a competitor who is willing to pay a reasonable price for such access. The method primarily used to achieve the goal is a careful analysis of primary legal sources accompanied by studies of the relevant literature. The opinions and conclusions expressed in the afore-mentioned sources are critically evaluated by the thesis's author who presents his own opinions and tries to justify them by legal arguments. Chapter One explains some specific terms used in the text. Chapter Two describes a conflict between two core principles that have to be evaluated when the rules of mandatory access are defined or..

    Vazby mezi finančním sektorem a reálnou ekonomikou - empirická studie z České republiky

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    Tato práce se zabývá způsoby, jakými finanční sektor ovlivňuje reálnou ekonomiku. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována bankovnímu kanálu transmisního mechanismu měnové politiky, který může zesilovat účinky měnové politiky prostřednictvím změn v nabídce bankovních úvěrů. V práci jsou rozebrány teoretické základy bankovního kanálu, jsou vyhodnoceny empirické studie týkající se bankovního kanálu a také jsou popsány charakteristické znaky českého finančního systému. S ohledem na důležité postavení bankovních úvěrů a omezenou dostupnost al- ternativních zdrojů financování je vyslovena hypotéza o existenci bankovního kanálu v České republice. S využitím VEC modelu analyzujeme data z let 2001-2011 a s pomocí funkcí odezev na impuls jsou zkoumány reakce výpůjční sazby a objemů úvěrů na měnové šoky. Na základě těchto reakcí je přijat závěr, že bankovní kanál v České republice ve zkoumaném období českou ekonomiku ovlivňoval.This thesis studies various ways in which the financial sector may affect the real economy. Particular attention is devoted to the bank lending channel of monetary transmission which amplifies monetary policy through changes in the supply of bank loans. We analyze the theoretical foundations of this channel, review international empirical literature and identify characteristic features of Czech financial system. Due to the important role of bank loans in the Czech Republic and the limited availability of alternative sources of finance, we hypothesize that the channel should be operative in the Czech Republic. Using a VEC model we analyze aggregate data for 2001-2011. Impulse response functions are then used to identify responses of the lending rate and the amount of loans to a monetary shock. Based on these responses we conclude the bank lending channel was operative.Institute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Adaptation of Guard Interval by Radio Channel Impulse Response

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    Dizertační práce se zabývá optimalizací stávající metody ochrany rádiového přenosu před nepříznivými vlivy vícecestného šíření v rádiovém kanále, za účelem navýšení datové propustnosti. V práci jsou popsány způsoby měření impulsní odezvy reálného rádiového kanálu, naprogramované unikátní simulátory rádiových kanálů a naprogramované simulátory rádiových přenosových systémů. Dále je popsán efektivní způsob měření impulsní odezvy rádiového kanálu v úsporných koncových zařízeních a z něj vyplývající princip optimalizace stávající metody ochrany rádiového přenosu před nepříznivými vlivy vícecestného šíření v podobě adaptivní délky ochranného intervalu, čímž je za příznivých podmínek rádiového kanálu navýšena datová propustnost rádiového přenosového systému. Výstupem simulací propojených simulátorů a kombinacemi mnoha různých parametrů nastavení a parametrů prostředí jsou srovnány vlivy těchto parametrů na běžný a optimalizovaný přenosový systém, respektive na jejich kvalitativní parametry. Práce také popisuje univerzálnost použití vytvořených simulátorů v elektrotechnickém průmyslu a při vývoji nových rádiových technologií.This thesis describes the optimization of the current methods of securing of radio transmission against the adverse effects of multipath propagation in the radio channel to increase data throughput. The means of measurement of the impulse response of real radio channel, programmed unique radio channel simulators and programmed simulators of radio communication systems are described. Next the effective means of radio channel impulse response measurement in low power endpoint devices is described from which the principle of optimization of current methods of securing of radio transmission against multipath propagation follows, in the form of adaptive length of guard interval, whereby the data throughput of radio communication system is increased in the case of good conditions of radio channel. Simulations results of the interconnected simulators with the variety of combinations of configuration parameters of radio channel environment and configuration parameters of radio communication system evaluate the effects of those parameters on the current and optimized radio communication systems quality parameters. This thesis also describes the versatility of usage of the created simulators in the electro technical industry and new radio communication technologies development.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově